My Journey to Minang


One day I did a journey to one of biggest Indonesia island, and.. yes it Sumatra ! I have ever told that in my previous blog but now I want tell it again to you hehe. It was my first experience to make journey cross the island. That time I was excited to explore... Padang (West Sumatra).

I went by Lion Air from Soekarno Hatta Airport from around 10:00 AM and arrived in Minangkabau was round about 11:20 AM. So excited to be there eventhough the air made me sweat.

When we arrived there many drivers offered their service to pick up us to reach the destination. And yes we chose one taxi to pick up us from Minangkabau International Airport (the cost decent expensive hehe).

Finally we were there in taxi and we just had seen Padang city from our window before we came to our destination. We did 'jalan jalan' in the evening time there to some places like beach, restaurant and souvenir shop.
Although the beach was very close to street at least little bit cure me from yearning of beach. Many teenagers 'hang out' there just for talking each other, taken photos and just drank coconut water. 

Coz we were very hungry finally we ate at one of most popular cafe/resto there, Iko Gantinyo. I just have eaten the most delicious empek empek ever hehe. The texture was so smooth and also the sauce so delicious. Recommended, I thought.
The beverage after our tummy so full of empek empek was 'sop duren' and it was delicious too.. aahh so happy when my tummy happy hehe.

Next we went to souvenir shop (food or snack shop), we bought some snacks (a lot of spicy snacks here).. my favorite was one snack that made from peas (I forget the name).

After that I visited some places there but last (but not least) we bought 'nasi padang', genuine from here at Lamun Ombak and the taste so different that I've ever tasted in Jakarta or Bandung. In here the turmeric (kunyit) more tasting than any other flavors.

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