
I dont know suddenly I want to make this script. Its just all about priority. Perhaps its not something important apparently. But i think it already happened to all of us. Whats your priority in life ?

Some people said family, other said friends, education even money. All that is not wrong even its right but whats the most or maybe the first ?

When I knew one of my family member had passed away, my husband and I directly ordered tickets to go home soon because I know that was the first thing in our mind eventhough I knew it was not our plan to go home soon. Other case, when I was sick, my sister so willing to giver her energy and time to take care of me. And that time I was her main priority.

I mean, how's your feelings when you expect someone or people that you are one of their priority but in reality it just "expectation"? I know its hurt, its sucks but I told you its not the end of the world. Instead of you sink in the sadness, try to make positive thinking in your mind. Perhaps later they will care about you or maybe they have hectic time to call you. Or why you just call them first ? why not ?

The most important thing eventhough you are not in their priority, just remember sometimes life must be having less expectations. Especially to people. We could or maybe must have unlimited expectations just for one. To God :) But u have to remember that God answers our prayers in three ways. First, He grant all we want in this world, second He keeps them in the hereafter and third He would keep away you from the dangerous..

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